Call for Papers
ICCL aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in logistics, providing them with a platform to share, present, and discuss the latest advances in computational logistics-related topics. The works submitted at this conference cover methodologies and solution approaches for logistics, innovative platforms and applications, modeling, and algorithmic procedures to enhance logistics operations and decision-making.
Authors are invited to submit their contributions in the field of logistics involving operations research and management, decision support, artificial intelligence, and information systems. Practical cases providing insights and real-world experience are encouraged.
Submitted papers will undergo peer review and will be available for publication in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
The theme of this year’s conference is 'The Future of AI in Logistics'. Topics of the conference include, among others:
Public transport and transit data improvements
Energy grid impact on logistics
Operations research and management in logistics
Routing problems
Emergency logistics
Reverse logistics
Crowd logistics
Freight transportation
Green supply chain
Metropolitan/city logistics
Smart agro-logistics
Facility (re-)layout decision problems
Logistics of health and social care
Humanitarian logistics
Artificial intelligence and operations research in sustainable logistics
Uncertainty modeling in planning and control
Self-organizing logistics
Internet of things in smart logistics
Artificial intelligence in logistics
Machine learning applications in supply chain management and logistics
Last generation ICT networks
Land and maritime smart-logistics
ICT in logistics
Computational issues in foreign trade supply chains
AI-powered optimization for logistics operations
Deep learning for logistics: Image recognition for automated sorting, computer vision for autonomous vehicles, natural language processing for logistics chatbots, sentiment analysis for customer feedback
Explainable AI and human-AI interaction in logistics: Building trust and understanding in AI-driven decisions, human oversight and intervention mechanisms.
Ethical considerations of AI in logistics: Sustainability, bias detection and mitigation, data privacy concerns, fairness and transparency in decision-making.
The impact of AI on the workforce in logistics: Job displacement, skill development, human-machine collaboration models.
Case studies and practical implementations of AI in logistics: Real-world examples of successful AI applications, lessons learned, best practices.
​Large-scale optimization in logistics
Multi-agent systems in logistics
Tracks for ICCL 2024
Track 1
AI-Robotics & Logistics
Track 3
Freight & Transport Planning
Track 5
Retail, Logistics & Nearshoring
Track 2
AI-Driven Supply Chains
Track 4
Maritime Logistics
Track 6
Full Paper Submissions
The proceedings of our conference will be published in the Springer Series Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences.
The submission is now open! Please submit your paper or extended abstract to the ICCL EasyChair management system. All papers should be submitted electronically to EasyChair according to the instructions on this page. The submission of papers will be handled through the ICCL EasyChair management system and following the format described below.
Instructions for Authors
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.
Full papers should have a length between 8 to 15 pages following the LNCS style files. For a paper to be included in this volume, it should be presented at the conference by one of the authors. Furthermore, the authors are required to use the licence-to-publish form available here [DOCX] to:
Upload the pdf file of the 8-15 page regular paper in LNCS style on the EasyChair platform.
Paste the summary corresponding with the full paper in the textbox (maximum 3000 characters, including spaces) to be included in the "Abstracts Booklet", which will be distributed during the conference.
Authors should consult the Springer author guidelines [PDF] as well as the Code of Conduct [PDF] and use the proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. Additionally, Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are available in Overleaf. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a License-to-Publish form[DOCX]. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers are no longer possible.
Roughly one month after publication, all authors who have included their email addresses in the headers of their papers will receive an email containing a coded personal access link, which will enable them to download the PDF of their paper directly from SpringerLink.